The GEO Bulletin

IEEC Goes to the Academy of Sciences!
Sunday, February 23, 8 am - 7 pm

IEEC Goes to the Academy of Sciences!
Sunday, February 23, 8 am - 7 pm

Boren Scholarship Due
Due January 29th

Here’s to a Great Spring Semester!
We here at the Global Engagement Office would like to give a warm welcome to all of our new international students with us for this semester!

International Education Week!!!

Coffee and Culture: Spain
Thursday November 14th, 12-1pm IH-107

Coffee and Culture: Halloween! Recap
Many participants came to have fun at our pumpkin-carving extravaganza! From abducting aliens to goofy grins and even the classic Jack Skellington smile, creativity was everywhere.

International Education Week is in 3 Weeks!

Blind Scream Volunteer Event Recap
Thank you to everybody who came out and joined us at Blind Scream! It was a splendid experience and an unforgettable, yet frightful night!

Coffee & Culture - France
Thursday, October 17th, 12-1pm