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International Alumni

SSU International Alumni Network

The International Alumni Network is an association of international students who studied at Sonoma State University through our Semester at Sonoma, SSALI, undergraduate, graduate, or certificate programs.

  • Stay in touch with the international friends that you made while studying at SSU
  • Meet other SSU international alumni living in your area
  • Build career connections through LinkedIn
  • Learn what SSU international alumni are doing after their study abroad experience

Want to join the International Alumni Network? It’s simple! Connect with us on LinkedIn.

Why LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the social networking platform (similar to Facebook) for job search and professional networking purposes. For many students who study abroad in the U.S., the leading motivation is to receive an educational experience or degree from a prestigious institution, to build global skills and competencies, and to increase their international network; all of which help students become more competitive in the global job market.

You can join the International Students of Sonoma State University LinkedIn group to connect with prospective applicants, current students, and alumni of SSU’s international programs.