The GEO Bulletin

This week’s bulletin encapsulates IEEC’s upcoming events as well as our weekly Coffee & Culture mixed in with important deadlines coming up!
IEEC Trivia at Flagship!
Thursday, March 27th, from 7-10 PM at Flagship Taproom in Cotati

This week’s bulletin includes a recap of our trip to Bodega Bay, more IEEC events that are coming up, and some important deadlines for study abroad applications!

Happy National Study Abroad Day!
Today, February 24th, marks the day when we talk all about Study Abroad! Today we celebrate the over 300 students from Sonoma who have studied abroad since 2021! With popular destinations including, but not limited to, Italy, the UK, and Germany!

IEEC Goes to Bodega Bay
Saturday, March 1st, 2 PM-7:30 PM

IEEC Goes to the Academy of Sciences!
Sunday, February 23, 8 am - 7 pm

IEEC Goes to the Academy of Sciences!
Sunday, February 23, 8 am - 7 pm

Boren Scholarship Due
Due January 29th

Here’s to a Great Spring Semester!
We here at the Global Engagement Office would like to give a warm welcome to all of our new international students with us for this semester!

International Education Week!!!

Coffee and Culture: Spain
Thursday November 14th, 12-1pm IH-107