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Study Away Programs Information Video and Application Process

Study Away Information Video

Whether you are determined to study away next semester or are just considering studying away sometime in the future, it's never too early to start looking into your options! The first step to studying away is to watch the SSU Study Away Information Video (click here). This video is about 25 minutes long and will go over the different program options, requirements, steps, and deadlines. When watching the video online, you are able to use subtitles, or you can view the Presentation Slides with the video transcript. You can also access a copy of just the presentation slides here.

You will then need to download the FUN Form (Research Guide), which will help you with researching your program options.

After students have watched the video, they are able to make an appointment with the study away advisor to discuss their options, plan, and timeline.

Application Process

When a student is ready to apply to a study away program, they can start their application online at the corresponding website. Students can view program options on the Programs page. After students start their application, they can work with the advisor and Peer Advisors to make sure their application is strong. Students can also participate in an Application Review Appointment with the advisor to make sure their application is ready for submission.

After a student applies to a program by the deadline, they will hopefully be accepted! GEO will then hold Post-Acceptance Meetings with students to discuss important information and next steps. Finally, students will attend a Pre-Departure Orientation at the end of the semester prior to their departure to help prepare them for their study away experience.

Throughout the application process and after being accepted, students should be planning out the courses they will be taking while studying away. It is beneficial to start planning that as soon as possible, so students can be strategic about what classes they take the semesters prior to studying away, and how the classes they take while studying away will count towards graduation requirements. Students will first want to be familiar with their graduation/major/minor/GE requirements by exploring the SSU Course Catalog and their Academic Requirements Report (ARR) on their MySSU account. Once a student is familiar with the classes they need, they can then explore the classes available on study away programs to identify the classes they should take. Once students have used their own judgment for this initial course matching step, they should meet with their academic advisor to finalize course equivalencies and their academic plan.