Dr. Hope Emry Ortiz
Global Engagement Coordinator

Appointments and Drop-ins
International Hall 107About
As the Global Engagement Coordinator at Sonoma State, Hope is excited to help students participate in study away opportunities, as well as work towards various international initiatives on campus to provide students with a globalized environment. Hope is an SSU and EOP alumna, graduating with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Spanish. During her time as an undergraduate, she studied abroad in Mexico for one year, as well as participated in various student leadership opportunities on campus, including EOP Summer Bridge, Summer Orientation, Peer Mentor, Research Assistant, TRiO Mentor, worked at Charlie Brown's Cafe, and was Lobo. After graduating, she received a Master's in Higher Educational Leadership with an Emphasis in Student Development from San Diego State University. After returning to SSU for her dream job as a study away advisor, she continued her education by earning her Doctorate in Education for Educational Leadership in Higher Education from San Francisco State University with her research focused on the impact of the HSI Grant on student success outcomes. At SSU she has served on Academic Senate as Senate Secretary and SSP Representative, and was a member of the GE Redesign Subcommittee, Student Affair Committee, and the President's Diversity Council. She is currently a IP Coordinator Representative in the Academic Council for International Programs in the Chancellor's Office, and the Chair of the National Student Exchange Executive Council.