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Weekly GEO Bulletin - 5/18/2021

Check out this week's Bulletin to stay up-to-date on what's happening! This week includes an overview of last week’s events such as our annual International Education Celebration, awards that were given within the International Education Celebration and more!

International Education Celebration

Last week the SSU Global Engagement Office had our annual International Education Celebration!! Just to give a recap of our Celebration, we said our goodbyes to our SSU study away alumni as well as our international students who will be graduating. We also bid farewell to our newest departing study away participants and announced our winner for the IEEC Scholarship and the Graduation Medallion Raffle Winner. The SSU Global Engagement Office gave the Outstanding Global Community Member Award to Dr. Sergio and a special thank you to our SSU GEO Ambassadors. At the end of our International Education Celebration, we were able to share our favorite memories or our future new memories abroad with each other. Our International Education Celebration ended on a high note. We highly appreciate those who came and celebrated with us!


Medallion Raffle Winner: Zoe Eisenstein

Congratulations to our SSU study away alumni who entered our international graduation medallion raffle! We are very excited to mail this medallion to Zoe Eisenstein!!! Once again, congratulations on winning our raffle.


IEEC Scholarship Winner: Nicholas Walsh

The IEEC members would like to thank those who submitted their IEEC scholarship applications. Each of the submissions were unique and inspiring. The IEEC members would like to congratulate Nicholas Walsh and present him with a $400 scholarship! He is an outstanding student that went above and beyond with his scholarship application. The SSU Global Engagement Office team is excited for him to study away and contribute once he returns back! Funds for this annual scholarship are raised by IEEC club members through various initiatives. The IEEC Study Away Scholarship is the only SSU affiliated scholarship specifically for students participating in study away programs. 


Outstanding Global Community Member Award Winner: Sergio Canavati De La Torre

Dr. Sergio Canavati, the Business Department Chair, was given the Outstanding Global Community Member Award at our International Education Celebration! He has been an ally to international education at SSU and has given the SSU Global Engagement Office significant time and support this last year! Watch for an interview with Dr. Canavati De La Torre coming out later this week! 


2021 Commencement

We would like to congratulate the Class of 2021!!! This is a huge achievement navigating a challenging full virtual academic year at home. The SSU Global Engagement Office team is proud of how diligent and persistent you all are in achieving graduation. The SSU Global Engagement Office would also like to congratulate our fellow study away alumni who will also be graduating this year! Congratulations on your next greatest adventure! We know you all have something great awaiting you.