Next stop: Application Essays and How To's
Written by Diana Vazquez, GEO Ambassador and CSU IP Germany Alumna
So you've decided what location you want to go study away? Great! Now it's time to write those application essays. So get out your laptops, notebooks, typewriters, quills, and chisels and let's start brainstorming.
When writing your application essays it's important you keep in mind four things: why do you want to study away, why did you choose the location you did, what you’ve accomplished that has prepared you for study away, and most importantly, what are your goals for studying away. When those anonymous faces read your essays they’re looking for candidates who give convincing arguments. You need to firmly state why you should be accepted. What makes you stand out from all the other applicants? What does this specific location offer for you that all other locations do not? Why is it important you study away?
And remember, it’s called studying away, not traveling away. If your essay is simply about how many different locations you want to visit or how much you’ve always wanted to visit some foregin country, then your essay won’t be highly, if at all, considered. Sure, studying away is a great time to travel and explore, but it’s also a great time to take new classes, learn new languages, experience new cultures, etc.
Now, repeat after me. I will pay attention to my grammar, spelling, and form. Sure it’s not a thesis or research paper, but you still have to pay attention to grammar. I can’t stress this enough. This is another reason why it’s smart to have multiple people look over your writing. Family, friends, second cousins, that coworker you barely talk to, neighbors, your six year old niece, what have you. It’s also a perfect opportunity to go visit your university’s writing center! Those folks can help wonders! Also, never forget to read it out loud to yourself and others. This method really helps more than most people think. And for the love of Shakespeare, please use the right ‘your’ and ‘there.’
Application essays vary in length, but it’s important to always keep to the point. Don’t fill your writings with fluff. Try to write a narrative, it keeps the reader engaged and shows you put extra thought into your essay. But remember, this isn’t a creative writing piece. It’s the facts behind your reason to study away. Never forget though, there might be specific instructions included in the application, so always read those before starting to write, and once you’re done to make sure you covered everything. Also, make sure you argue as to why you should be accepted into your first choice location. That is what you’re writing about after all. Make sure that it is clear why your chosen location, and studying away in general, is important to you. This is also a perfect opportunity to show off all that research you’ve done on the location. And don’t forget to explain any goals you have for studying away and how they can connect to your academics or future career.
You’ll also want to explain how your academic career and past experiences have prepared you for studying away. This can range from language classes you’ve taken to your past travels. While some programs may not have language prerequisites, showing you’ve already taken some language classes would definitely boost your application to the top of the pile. It shows initiative, and applicant readers love that. They’re looking for proof that you will be academically successful during the program. This doesn’t mean you should leave out internships or work experience; definitely add that if it helps to boost your image. Similar to college applications, this is the time to show yourself off! Including with travel experiences. The more the merrier!
Lastly, explain why you believe studying away will help you grow. Personally and academically. Maybe you think being placed in a new environment will help you leave your bubble and talk more. Or you’ll learn to take chances and have adventures. Perhaps learning a language will fit perfectly into your career plans. Or you could be applying to the actual school with the grad program of your dreams or the region it’s in, and you want practice living there. And if you don’t necessarily have set goals or a straight forward reason to why you want to study away, that’s okay. That could be what you write about. That you hope your time away will help to show you a possible future path, learn more about yourself, or even give you a new perspective of life.
I hope some of these tips have helped you while writing those application essays. I know writing application essays can be daunting, I have gone through it myself, but the outcome can be a world of adventure. Studying away will hopefully be one of the best times of your life. And once you’re there, will you still be thinking about the application writings? No! You’ll be staring ahead awaiting new adventures.