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International Students Spotlights: Jiayi "Emily" Zhu

Interview of international student, Jiayi "Emily" Zhu by Caleigh Nordan, GEO Ambassador and NSE Canada Alumna.

So where are you from?

I’m from China

Nice, how are you studying internationally with us?

I came here the summer of 2017 on an F1 visa

And what is your major?

I’m graduating next summer in wine business

Sonoma definitely is a great school for that, what else made you choose Sonoma State?

I had several options in places like Washington and Minnesota. The wine business program was definitely the main reason I ended up choosing Sonoma, but I also chose California for the weather. I can’t stand the cold.

What are some of the biggest differences between Sonoma and where you are from?

The culture, people are a lot more friendly here. Something like going out in the street and a stranger saying hi would not happen in China. I really like it. 

What do you miss most about home though?

The food and honestly the payment methods, everything back home is done on my phone. Also, it takes was longer to receive packages here, I can receive one in a day at home but here it may take two weeks. 

Has Covid-19 affected any vacations or plans to travel back home?

I had three vacations planned for this past summer, which were all canceled. One of the trips was to go do some more traveling in China. My family has never come to California but I am used to going home every break, so the summer was long. 

While on the topic of Covid-19, how has distance learning been for you so far?

I have had to set alarms for classes cause it’s easy to forget you have school and homework, but it’s good cause you can always play the recording if you miss.

That definitely makes it easier to catch up if you start to fall behind. Even with all the craziness going on in the world right now, I mostly want to know what have been some of the highlights of your time here?

Traveling, being on my own I can travel by myself or with friends which is really nice. I feel more independent. The landscape and views are absolutely beautiful too. I love the blue sky and visiting the mountains and lakes. Also, the universities are so charming. I have been able to visit many and they are all like in the movies.